Saturday, November 24, 2007

To Teach or Not to Teach…?
November 6, 2007 by sillybachi
So as I remember 15 years ago, I had the opportunity to pretend like I’m a teacher. There was an opening at a public school (Islamic) in Pahang, it was here that two of my friends have worked at, and I was asked to substitute for one of my friends who teaches form 4 and form 5 English. She went on vacation for a week so I was able to try my hand at teaching and see how I like being a teacher. During Ramadan, I was offered a long-term subbing position to fill in for the form 4&5 so this was like a trial period for me.

During the week that I subbed, I can honestly say I learned a few things:

1.) Yes. Kids still take advantage of substitutes by trying to trick them and making up “rules”. But (ha ha! I was too smart for them…it hasn’t been THAT long since I was harassing my sub…I know their little tricks.)

2.) Teaching really gives you a sense of power to change things. I found it both exhilarating and scary that the kids looked up to me as a teacher. Exhilarating because they looked to me for answers and scary for the same reason. What if I’m doing something wrong? What if I’m saying something wrong? I’m only human, I know, but I don’t want to shoulder the responsibility for misinforming them. Which leads to my next point…

3.) Teaching is a HUGE responsibility. Kids naturally look up to the teacher, whether they like it or not. It’s the teacher’s responsibility to behave as a role model. Which means don’t be shy in teaching them a thing or two about life in general.

4.) Teachers need to be kind. There’s no point in berating or talking in a condescending way to any student. It’s such a shame and I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes at this school I was subbing at. It makes the students shut off and loathe you, but also robs you of the opportunity to actually affect them in any way. Nobody wants to listen to a meanie.

Although I really enjoyed teaching, I have to say the only thing I would go there for is the kids. They’re truly amazing. Other than that…I don’t know. The school barely pays anything. The environment is extremely gloomy and depressing (I guess it’s that particular group of Muslims that…uh…don’t believe in smiling….or maybe everyone is just having a bad day…I don’t know.). There is a sense of disorganization everywhere, from the administration to the classroom.

But on the plus side, it’s an Islamic environment…you won’t find any sleazy co-workers trying to slither their arms around your waist over here! But the main reason I even considered the opportunity was because this long-term subbing position (approx. 3 months) would give me the chance to connect with the age group I want to write for. This is probably the only thing that’s held me back from totally rejecting this offer…but I think I would still be able to manage even if I didn’t work there.

I don’t know…should I or shouldn’t I…? I can’t decide.

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